Monday 20 June 2011

Horizons Unlimited meeting - Dayboro, Queensland.

For those who don't know " a web site devoted to providing information to motorcyclists who travel internationally or long term.  Its an absolute mine of information and has a very supportive online community that is forthcoming with its support to people either planning  to travel or are on the road.  As part of that support meetings of local groups are organised around the world.  Conveniently this last weekend , there was a meeting in Dayboro, Queensland (Dayboro is about an hour inland from Brisbane). One hundred and five people attended ranging from the "wanna be" travellers like me through to those who had either completed or were part way through their trip.  There were lots of presentations by the experienced plus lots of chance just to chat to people.

For me however probably the most important of the trip was the chance to run-in the bike after a re-build and test my motorcycle gear and new camping equipment.  Two thousand miles over a weekend was enough to do the bike check.  Fortunately it was successful - nothing broke or fell off.  Similarly the camping gear was good - with nights getting down to only a few degrees above zero the sleeping bag got at least a reasonable check prior to Siberia.

Sunday 12 June 2011

Hello world!

Welcome to my blog.  I hope to regularly update it and give you an idea of where I am during the trip and its preparations.

Well I've finally finished putting the bike back together after its pre-trip re-build.  It became a little bit more “just in time’ than I intended and given the shakedown trip to Queensland is due to start in 4 days time – but never mind done in time.  I think I’ve got everything done that needed to be and a quick trip around the block at least has confirmed it all works.  Two thousand kilometres over the next weekend will be the acid test.