Wednesday, 31 January 2018

The Americas - Weeks 2 to 4: Enjoying Chilean sunshine.

Over the last few weeks I've been a bit lazy so this is now a catch-up blog covering the highlights of the last three weeks. Since Valparaiso we have traveled substantially south and are now deep in Patogonia. All the experiences so far have been wonderful. In particular we've been extremely lucky having nothing but sunshine since we arrived here.

Week 2's highlights included a 2 day hill walk in a national park near Talca, followed by some wonderful riding in another National park (Parque Conguillio) looping around the bases of dormant but magnificently broody volcanoes. This was also my first introduction to riding the fully, slightly overloaded, bike two up on dirt roads - initially a slightly worrying experience but as ever the reality has proved easier than the fears (helped by Gaby being a very good pillion).

Week 3 saw us moving on to the island of Chiloé - a quiet rural backwater where life is much slower than the mainland. It was also a place we slowed down for a while taking a Cabana as a base for three days exploring. It felt good to have a few days without constant packing up each morning. Chiloé was also though the scene of our one misfortune to date; a visit to a penguin colony saw us succumb to cake in the cafe which unfortunately promptly have is good poisoning. In my case fairly mild but in Gaby's much worse (a bit unfair as I are most of the cake). A couple of days later we returned to the mainland town of Chaiten which for us was to be the start of the famed  (at least in motorcyclists eyes) Carreta Austral, otherwise known as Ruta 7, the main highway south into Patogonia.  Gaby's first stop there was the local hospital and I found myself surprised when called into the consulting room to find her on the end of a drip - 2 litres of fluid was prescribed as she was so dehydrated. It did it's trick as a few hours later she had me hiking up tracks to visit a local set of waterfalls.

After that little hiccup we had to catch another overnight ferry south to get around a road blockage caused by a major landslip before we could start the ride proper. The next week saw us traveling 800 km south through some stunning scenery - high snow capped mountains, glaciers, forests, wide rivers - it was all there. And like all of our first four weeks in Chile we saw it at its best in wonderful sunshine. The first half of the road was mainly tar but the second was generally gravel roads, fortunately mostly in good condition and not too hard to ride.

The week ended in Puerto Yungay where we now catch another ferry south, this one for two days, as the Carreta Austral e finishes just south of here in a dead end

Sunday, 7 January 2018

The Americas - Week 1: One bike, two people and two breakdowns in two days!

It was a lot of talk, a few start dates came and went but it's finally it is here. This week I started my America's trip.

The plan started as a one person 9 month North-South run down the American continents taking in Prudoe Bay, Alaska down to Ushuaia in Argentine. However somehow over time it has morphed into a two- person, two part trip starting in the south and heading north (with the mid trip break in southern USA).

The second person is my girlfriend Gaby who I convinced to come with me for at least part of the trip. So New Year's eve saw both of us flying into Santiago to meet up after 3 months apart.

The final part of the equation, the bike, also arrived somewhat surprising me by being 2 days ahead of schedule.  Getting it out of the airport and customs the next day proved remarkably easy except for the airport ATM which are my card - one day into the to and I'm already one card down 😢.

The next couple of days were spent in a mix of sight seeing Santiago and all the adminstrative trivia one has to do when starting a long ride. Santiago didn't do much for me - it is very much a world city and often one felt you could be almost anywhere, a same cars, same clothes, same advertising, same modern architecture and so on. The admin side included working out how we were going to fit all our stuff on one smallish bike but surprisingly it all did eventually and then we were ready for the the road.

Our first target after Santiago was the coastal city of Valparaiso - a place which suddenly was much more"South American" in feel. Suddenly I was much happier.
The only downside of the trip so far has been the bike has broken down on each of the two days we have risen it; a minor electrical issue on day one stopped is at the side of a motorway on day one and then a brand new clutch cable snapped on day two. Both quickly fixed but frustrating.
At the moment the phone app on which in doing this blog won't let me attach photos direct so here is a link with some photos from those first few days.